Decouple your

photovoltaic AC

Right here.
Looking for the best decoupling boards for small and big commercial photovoltaic projects? Great, let's go.

Electrifying - photovoltaic AC

When your expertise is almost as old as a 70's movie classic song

It's Grease. Dumbass.

What we do

People call us for boards when the tides are high. We take out our wax, surf shorts, board and head out to the beach. Shortly realising we are a Belgian based company and we put down the telephone way too soon after we heard "board".

Surfing our way back to the office on the AC to DC converted waves, we call back our clients and listen to all their needs and wishes. If necessary we set up a meeting over some coffee in our cosy office space. An office space where every biscoff is rewritten to speculoos. Damn you Lotus.

Our experts are also keen to deliver some advice when and where needed. They do know a thing of two about transformers. And we're not talking autobots here.


Is when the foundation was laid out for ACPV. With an entire history of ups and downs in the photovoltaic market. We've been steady sailing.
Employees in total to support everything from A to V.
Successful decoupling board deliveries. If you stack them on top of each other you get a couple of Eiffel towers.
The possibilities of customisation you can choose from. As long as they fit within our portfolio.

Photovoltaic AC Projects

We wish our products were as beautiful to display as real Italian art. Fortunately, we take solace in the real beauty of dungeons and basements.
When electricity becomes art.
Custom made
Want your decoupling board build from left to right or right to left? Need some extra connections to shock your end customer? Want to hang it upside down? Great, we'll build it for ya.
Fast deliveries
When the drawings are final, we can usually deliver within four weeks after final approval. We know it's so exciting you will be sitting at your front door for approximately four weeks for your newly built board to arrive.
When we close our eyes, decoupling boards and electricity is all we see. So when you give us a call for assistance, we just close our eyes and help you where we can. Just imagine us bumping into everything at our office in the proces of doing so.

Our advantages

When electricity becomes art.

Team of photovoltaic AC experts

Founder & CEO
Self explanatory. He runs the business. He keeps:
  • His cool
  • Us cool
  • The office cool (and also hot, thank god)
  • Clients cool (just be cool m'okay)
We were calling him chief for so long, we just figured we'd also give him the title. Just kidding, he knows everything there is to know about every itty bitty tiny technical aspect of our business.
Van Cauter
Project manager
He requested his title as PDG of the Boma decoupling board industry. We decided to shorten it to project manager.
Project manager
We found him hanging around comedy shows. We took 'm in, gave him some food, hot coco and an expert in both electricity and good jokes was born. His jokes are up and down. Get it?
Administration knows, when Lenderts wife is calling: boards are being built. Whenever you see a volcano of motivation walking down the street, it's probably this guy.

Step by step

Step one
Preparation is key
We laugh, we cry, we listen, we draw, we call, we design, we walk around in circles, we email, we ask chatGPT for some restaurants and finally we put you in our CRM.

After all this we give you a quote. We understand you are famous, but please also give us a signature.
Step two
Step three
The main course
After final approval we rush to the drawing board and all our Turing cogs start spinning endlessly. After everything is order-picked, we begin building your piece of art. No oopsies from now on forth!
Delivery and acceptance
All jokes aside, sometimes we do real business. After taking your delivery we will give you another call to confirm everything is in order. Need more assistance during installation? We'll trade knowledge for beer.
We aim to relieve our customers as much as possible and support them in their daily activities, resulting in more time and higher productivity. With the technical expertise we have in-house, we guide our customers from A to Z: from advising on specific products and energy-efficient solutions, to developing the project study, ordering and delivering the materials, and, in some cases, assisting with commissioning.
At Allimex Green Power, we strive to provide everyone with green energy solutions.
Giving you what you need, that’s what we value. Whether it’s a full product offering, specific service or custom product development, we strive to be the best total solutions supplier of green energy solutions for you.

Our partners

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